I'm writing this to tell you
how much I love you
I don't understand why people
try to make you look bad
why they say youre not right
They dont understand
They dont know how right you feel
They dont know how happy I am
They dont know that I dont care
how much they laugh at me
how much they make fun of you
of us
somehow the more foolish they are
the more i love you
They dont understand
and they never will
I love the way we talk for hours and still are sad when we have to leave
I love the way you make me laugh
I love the way we fight
And the way we get over it so fast
But most importantly
...I love the way you love me
Cause god knows
No one has ever loved me like that
I love youWith all my heart <33
ممنون به من سر زدی
شاد باشی
مرسی که بهمون سر زدی